creativity and stile

Motived and confident, my career has kept me going so I come to learn cooking techniques, combination of flavors and colors, the hard work put, and creative. but I think the most important thing is that arrives to develop a passion for the culinary arts. Maintaining high levels of health and safety, quality, development, production, nutrition, management, financial and design and never forget the main objective is to let diners satisfied.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Curry and all its medicinal properties

Curry is not a spice, but a mixture of several spices widely used in Asian cooking in general. The composition of curry is not fixed, in fact there are three varieties: yellow curry, green curry and red curry.
The most common is the yellow curry, which owes its color to its high percentage of turmeric. Therefore the medicinal properties of yellow curry include anti-inflammatory action, the influence on platelet aggregation slightly liquefying blood and improving brain irrigation and treatment of colds and flu. The benefits of turmeric are very similar to another common ingredient in curry: ginger.
It is not unusual curry garlic incorporate in its formula, and will protect against infections by his power several natural antibiotic and help prevent hypertension.

Curry benefits for health
But in response to the medicinal properties of curry as composite mixture include its large intestinal antiseptic capacity. The curry is highly recommended in case of indigestion or intestinal infections, as long as you're not enrolled with severe diarrhea.
Besides curry it stimulates appetite in cases of dyspepsia. Moreover, curry prevents type II diabetes and even obesity, to slightly speed up metabolism.
Curry benefits do not stop there, as it has antioxidant properties and prevention of certain cancers.
At present the potential usefulness of curry as a preventive Alzheimer studied.
Cinnamon, stimulating circulation in the abdominal region, is another ingredient of curry and the only natural aphrodisiac recognized by Western medicine.

The green varieties, especially red, usually hottest, and therefore, can be irritating to people unaccustomed. Still, no contraindications curry themselves.

For my part I like making my own curry and so choose the best quality condiments

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